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的 mission of 的 注册帮助中心 is to empower students to register 的mselves for appropriate courses in a timely manner with support as needed.我们的目标是提供 students with information during registration, thus students have 的 opportunity to clear issues that have been identified as possible barriers to enroll in classes. 的 Job of 的 Help Center 工作人员 is to:

  • Help students identify holds that may not allow 的m to successfully register, such 如考试成绩、免疫接种等.
  • Connect students to campus offices and resources
  • Provide up-to-date information on policies and procedures as related to 的 current 学期注册
  • Serve as a college-wide resource for registration related information
  • Process overloads for qualified students
  • Process repeats for eligible students

In order for us to serve you better, please have 的 following information available 在你打电话之前: 
3) 的 class in which you wish to enroll including 的 5 digit class number如果你 给我们发邮件,请用你的 KBCC邮箱地址 with 的 above information and a brief description of your request.


To register for an online course, you need to call 的 注册帮助中心 at 718-368-6551.

In order to register for an online course, 的 following are required:

  • Knowledge of how to use 黑板上
  • Have regular access to a computer and have reliable standard internet access
  • Have a word processing application such as Microsoft Word
  • Knowledge of how to download and upload a document

When you receive a prerequisite error, you should fill out 的 注册帮助中心 Intake form and provide us with 类 that you are attempting to register for. 我们会回应 根据您的要求通过电子邮件.

If a class is full, you should monitor that class to see if any seats become available, 如有座位, 照常登记.

搜索“目录:DepT”,或者你可以按 部门 .

No, you would need to enroll in 的 course, having a course in your cart does not 就是说你注册了 在课堂上.

You would need a CUNYfirst account. 如果你 have a CUNYfirst account, and you are still 无法登录  please call 的 CUNYfirst Helpdesk at 718-368-6888 for assistance. 或者联系 学生帮助台: helpdesk@students.kbcc.城市大学.edu,浏览L-106或致电718-368-6679

进入CUNYfirst门户网站: 登录这里
Click on "How to Use CUNYfirst" in 的 left hand menu.
Click on "Getting Started in CUNYfirst". 

While registration has begun, each student has a different enrollment appointment 注册日期. 
To check your enrollment appointment date, login to your CUNYfirst account, go to 学生中心.

Under Enrollment Dates (right hand menu), click on details.
You may have a "Hold" that prevents you from registering. 你需要联系 这个部门 
who issued 的 hold and get 的 hold taken off to register for classes.


的re are courses a student must pass before an advance course may be taken. 如果你 have  met 的 prerequisites, call 注册帮助中心 at 718-368-6551 or email 注册商.kcc@kbcc.城市大学.edu

这有很多原因. Call 的 注册帮助中心 at 718-368-6551.

Please visit 的 注册商's office at A-101 or  注册网站 

No. 这是一个时间冲突. You will need to pick ano的r section for 类.

Check 的 academic calendar for class deletion and withdrawal period. 

On CUNYfirst, go to 学生中心-> Enroll 
Select 的 term > Click Continue. Select 的 course you want to delete (drop) or withdraw.

You may need to be readmitted to 的 college.
Contact 的 注册商's office at 718-368-5136  or visit 注册网站.

No, you would need to enroll 类 on CUNYfirst.

的 shopping cart is for your convenience but it does not automatically register you.

Based on 的 大学目录, you can repeat a course if you received a grade of C- 或更低. 请参阅 大学目录 了解更多信息.

You can take up to 18 credits in 的 Fall / Spring semester and up to 8 credits in 的 

我们不是学术顾问. Thus, we are unable to advise you on what class you 将需要. 联系你的 学术顾问.